
1  Incisive bone (premaxillary) 2  Nasal bone 3  Maxillary bone 4  Mandible
5  Orbit 6  Frontal bone 7  Temporal fossa  8  Atlas
(first cervical vertebra)
9  Axis (2nd cervical vertebra 10  Cervical vertebrae
(7 inc. Atlas and Axis)
11  Scapular spine 12  Scapular cartilage
13  Scapula 14  Thoracic vertebrae
(18 of these)
15  Lumbar vertebrae
(6 of these
16  Tuber sacrale
17  Sacral vertebrae
(5 fused together - sacrum)
18  Coccygeal vertebrae 19  Shoulder joint 20  Ribs (18)
21  Costal arch 22  Tuber coxae 23  Ilium 24  Pubis
25  Hip joint 26  Femur
(greater trochanter)
27  Tuber ischii 28  Ischium
29  Femur, third trochanter 30  Femur 31  Humerla tuberosity, lateral 32  Humerus
33  Sternum 34  Olecranon 35  Costal cartilages 36  Femoral trochlea
37  Stifle joint 38  Patella 39  Elbow joint 40  Ulna
41  Radius 42  CArpus 43  Metacarpus 44  Fetlock joint
45  Coffin joint 46  Accessory carpal bone 47  Small metarcarpal bone
(splint bone)
48  Proximal sesamoid
49  First phalanx 50  Distal phalanx 51  Tibia 52  Talus
(tibial tarsas bone)
53  Small Metatarsal
(splint bone)
54  Metatarsus 55  Pastern joint 56  Fibula
57  Calcaneus
(fibular tarsal)
58  Tarsus 59  Middle Phalanx
(2nd phalanx)

1. Rectus Capitus Lateralis: allows the head to flex and incline side to side.
2. Splenius: allows the neck to bend.
3. Multifidus Cervicus (Deep): allows the neck to flex and the head to rotate to the opposite side.
4. Brachiocephalicus: permits the neck to bend, and move the shoulder forward.
5. Trapezius/Rhomboids (Deep): allows the shoulder to raise, and permits the scapula to draw upward, forward and backward.
6. Supraspinatus (Deep): permits the shoulder joint to extend.
7. Infraspinatus (Deep): allows the foreleg to rotate outward.
8. Deltoid: permits the shoulder joint to extend.
9. Tricep: permits the shoulder joint to flex.
10. Bicep and Anterior Pectoral: permits the foreleg to extend.
11. Serratus Thoracis: allows the trunk to be at the proper level when legs are planted.
12.  Posterior Pectoral: allows the foreleg to draw backward.
13.  Extensor Capri Radialis: permits the foreleg to bend and flex.
14.  Latissimus Dorsi: permits lateral bending.
15.  Longissimus Dorsi: allows the back to extend, and permits lateral bending. 
16. Intercostal: supports the ribcage and aids in respiration.
17. Oblique: allows the hind leg to draw under.
18. Rectus Abdominus: supports the back.
19. Gluteus: allows forward movement and hind end action.
20. Semimembranosus: permits the hock to extend.
21. Semitendinosus: permits the hip and the hock to extend.
22. Bicep Femoris: allows for extension of the hind leg, hip and hock, and bends the stifle.
23. Tensor Fascia Latae: allows the stifle to extend and the hip to flex.
24. & Fascia Latae: allows the stifle to extend and the hip to flex.
25. Long Digital Extensor: permits the hind leg to flex. 



머이브리지의 연속사진

Distal Forelimb
Anatomical structure of the tendon system of the forelimb



From Sisson's 『Anatomy of the Domestic Animals』
From Sisson's 『Anatomy of the Domestic Animals』

http://www.equmed.com/news/Lameness%20in%20focus%20the%20hock.htmFrom Sisson's 『Anatomy of the Domestic Animals』

Skeleton of Eclipse
Skeleton of Phar Lap


Horse Conformation: Structure, Soundness, and Performance by Equine Research and Sherrie Engler : 사진도 많고 아주 설명이 잘 되어 있다. 입문서, 참고서로 쓰기에 훌륭함.

The Horse in Motion: The Anatomy and Physiology of Equine Locomotion by Sarah Pilliner, Samantha Elmhurst, and Zoe Davies : 이해하기 다소 힘들다. 마필 게이트별 운동원리가 설명되어있음.
2006/12/30 21:52 2006/12/30 21:52

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